СУМЦ као студентска филијала Интернационалног удружења лекара за превенцију нуклеарног рата (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) за Србију учествује у програму размене студената на клиничку праксу између Србије и Немачке.

У оквиру програма студентске размене „Practise and Engage” угостили смо студенткињу из Немачке, Анет, са Универзитета у Вирцбургу, која је обављала четворонедељну клинички праксу у Ургентном центру Клиничког центра Србије, а ово су њени утисци:


SUMC, as Serbian Student Representative of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War for Serbia, participates in the student exchange program for clinical practice between Serbia and Germany.

As part of the “Practise and Engage” student exchange program, we hosted a student from Germany, Annett, from the University of Würzburg, who had a four-week clinical practice in the Emergency Center of the Clinical Center of Serbia.

We kindy thank her for sharing her impressions:


„Срећа прати храбре” – “Luck follows the brave”

And it followed me to Belgrade …

At the beginning of August, I traveled to Belgrade for a clinical internship in the yellow triaged area of the University Clinical Center of Serbia. As a participant in the clinical intership program “Practise and engage” of IPPNW, I already had contact persons in advance, through whose support I found a well-organized clinical traineeship structure with mentors specifically assigned to me. I was quickly trusted, which enabled me to examine patients independently and to gain better understanding of the dynamic processes in the emergency room despite my lack of language skills.

The medical students of SUMC had chosen this location for me and her noticeable effort had paid off! It was an ideal area to be able to gather knowledge in a varied and versatile way and even without knowledge of the Serbian language it seemed to me that I could contribute well, also thanks to the support of colleagues and Google Lense.

Until my last shift, I enjoyed my work and felt very accepted in the team.


I traveled to Belgrade without any expectations and was welcomed with lots of hospitality. Medical students of SUMC, especially Marija, became my trusted contact person. She tried to bring Serbia closer to me and made it possible for me to make friends in the city. It gave me security to be alone, without having to be.

It was also good for me to be able to express my thoughts out loud and on the spot while having someone who offered me an ear for them. Belgrade has a seemingly inexhaustible repertoire of ways to spend your free time. So I discovered the city, the history, the nightlife and was able to enjoy the wonderful café culture and find peace at numerous “Serbian coffees”.

I am looking forward to the time after my clinical traineeship, especially to the “Pride Week” at the beginning of september in Belgrade, where I will be supporting as a volunteer.

Last but not least, I was able to use my free time to travel within Serbia, but also to some surrounding countries. I was able to visit Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina as well as multiple cities in Montenegro. My time here has given me the opportunity to gain my first very own Balkan experiences and this will certainly not be my last.

What I’ll take home is a colorful “Serbian-Spotify Playlist”, in which I collected the favorite songs of people I met during my time abroad. It will keep my memories fresh in my mind and put a smile on my face while listening to it. Maybe it makes you smile too?


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