Drage koleginice i kolege,
Sa zadovoljstvom vas obaveštavamo da je otvorena prijava za SUMC-ov projekat “Svi smo mi nečija deca” u školskoj 2021/22. godini, koja će biti otvorena do 24.12.2021. .
Ponosno ističemo da “Svi smo mi nečija deca” ove godine obeležava 21. godišnjicu postojanja, kontinuiranog, predanog i kreativnog rada SUMC-ovaca, studenata medicine, koje ovaj projekat okuplja.
“Svi smo mi nečija deca” je projekat koji podstiče dečiju kreativnost i razbija monotoniju bolničke sredine. Sprovodi se organizovanjem kreativnih radionica u okviru bolničkih ustanova različitog tipa, na kojima studenti medicine provode vreme sa hospitalizovanom decom, pružaju im podršku da što bezbolnije prođu kroz periode dugotrajne hospitalizacije i lečenja. Ujedno se i sami studenti edukuju, kako bi što bolje razumeli problematiku socijalne izolacije u kojoj se deca nalaze u bolničkim uslovima i razvijaju individualni pristup deci kao pacijentima.
Dobro nam došli!
P.S. Svi studenti koji su se već prijavili za projekat u kancelariji SUMC-a, prijave će vam biti uvažene i bićete kontaktirani u vezi izvođenja projekta.
Link za prijavu:
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to inform you that the application for the SUMC project “We are all someone’s children” is open in the school year 2021/22 year and the application will be open until 24.12.2021.
We are proudly announcing that our project “We are all someone’s children” this year marks the 21st anniversary of the existence, continuous, dedicated, and creative work of SUMC members, medical students, which this project brings together.
“We are all someone’s children” is a project that encourages children’s creativity and breaks the monotony of the hospital environment. It is conducted by organizing creative workshops within hospital institutions of various types, where medical students spend time with hospitalized children, providing them with support to go through painless periods of long-term hospitalization and treatment. At the same time, the students themselves are educated, in order to better understand the issue of social isolation in which children are in hospital conditions and develop an individual approach to children as patients.
P.S. For all students who have already applied for the project in the SUMC office, your applications will be accepted and you will be contacted regarding the implementation of the project.
Link for the application: